Our Members

Member Spotlights

August '24

Krystle Thomaszewski

Krystle is a new member of Good2Go who now lives in the Boston area. Krystle is originally from Reading, Massachusetts and works as an Occupational Therapist in the Boston area. Krystle originally heard about Good2Go from a friend who had become a member. She feels Good2Go is a helpful and convenient option to rent vehicles, and she has been very happy with her experience as a member.

Krystle plans to use the vehicles to get to work, drive her kids around, and get to doctor’s appointments. Her favorite part about living in Boston is the convenience of living in a city where she can easily walk to cafes, restaurants, and grocery stores. Krystle is looking forward to spending the summer with her kids and taking them shopping. She is also hoping to take a trip to NYC at some point this summer.

July '24

Victoria Lipper

Victoria is a new member of Good2Go who joined after viewing a flyer. She felt being a member of Good2Go would be a helpful tool for commuting around the city and to help her run errands. Victoria is originally from Bernardsville, New Jersey and is now a special education teacher in Boston for students with specific social, emotional, and behavioral needs. She often uses Good2Go vehicles to go grocery shopping, get to the laundromat, and go to the beach. 

In her free time, Victoria loves to paint, make pottery, do puzzles, and have movie marathon nights with her roommates. A fun fact about Victoria is that she grew up going to Grateful Dead festivals with her family. These adventures inspired her to love all types of live music. This summer, Victoria is excited to use Good2Go vehicles to explore all of Massachusetts’ best music venues.

June '24

Mirlene Chery

Mirlene is a Medical Assistant at Beth Israel Hospital and discovered our service from a flyer at Roxbury Community College. She is originally from Boston and currently resides in Dorchester.

Mirlene has described having her Good2Go membership as a great stress relief. She comes from a one-vehicle family and loves having access to an additional car when needed. She often uses Good2Go vehicles to take her son to daycare, or to get to work when there is an emergency. Mirlene is greatly appreciative of of Good2Go’s tiered membership options that ensure access to this service to everyone, regardless of their income status.  

In her free time, Mirlene loves spending time with her family, loves arts and crafts, and enjoys getting outside for a walk. This summer, Mirlene is excited for the warmer weather and the chance to do a lot of swimming with her family. She is hoping to make it to Castle Island sometime this summer to enjoy the sun and being outside.

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